您可以扩展 NeoDash 以使用您自己的可视化,而无需深入了解核心应用程序。同样,向现有报表添加新的自定义项只需要最少的更改。
您可以通过三个步骤向 NeoDash 添加新图表
确保您已安装并运行 NeoDash 的本地副本
git clone git@github.com:neo4j-labs/neodash.git git checkout develop yarn install yarn run dev
export interface ChartProps { records: Neo4jRecord[]; // Query output, Neo4j records as returned from the driver. selection?: Record<string, any>; // A dictionary with the selection made in the report footer. settings?: Record<string, any>; // A dictionary with the 'advanced settings' specified through the NeoDash interface. dimensions?: Number[]; // a 2D array with the dimensions of the report (likely not needed, charts automatically fill up space). fullscreen?: boolean; // flag indicating whether the report is rendered in a fullscreen view. queryCallback?: (query: string, parameters: Record<string, any>, records: Neo4jRecord[]) => null; // Optionally, a way for the report to read more data from Neo4j. setGlobalParameter?: (name: string, value: string) => void; // Allows a chart to update a global dashboard parameter to be used in Cypher queries for other reports. getGlobalParameter?: (name) => string; // Allows a chart to get a global dashboard parameter. }
请注意,唯一必需的属性是 records
。它包含用户指定的 Cypher 查询返回的记录列表。
import React from 'react'; import { ChartProps } from './Chart'; import { renderValueByType } from '../report/ReportRecordProcessing'; const NeoListReport = (props: ChartProps) => { const records = props.records; return records.map(r => { return <div>{ r["_fields"].map(value => { return <>{renderValueByType(value)},</> })} </div> }) } export default NeoListReport;
为此,请打开 config/ReportConfig.tsx
export const REPORT_TYPES = { ... "list": { label: "List", helperText: "I'm a list", component: NeoListReport, maxRecords: 10, settings: {} }, ... }
检查其他条目以获取每个条目可以具有的字段示例。重新启动应用程序,您应该能够选择新的图表类型。最后,Cypress 可用于在几分钟内为您的组件开发端到端测试。有关 Cypress 测试的更多信息,请参阅测试。
添加可视化或新自定义项后,请考虑通过创建拉取请求将其贡献到 NeoDash 项目。